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Get ready to roll with amazement as you get the 'Last Laugh' with this packet trick! 


Five cards with different coloured backs are shown along with a prediction in an envelope. 


The prediction is removed from the envelope and the says "DON'T PICK A JOKER".


The spectator picks any number from one to five. 


Say they pick three.


You fan the cards and move to their selected card, removing the same, turning it face up on the table. 


Surprisingly, it a Joker. 


You then spell the word Joker, one letter for each card (J-O-K-E-R), moving it from the top to the bottom. 


You place the new top card next to the Joker and when it is turned over, it too is a Joker!


When you turn the prediction over, it shows red and blue backed cards, which match those the spectator randomly selected. 


But the show isn't over yet as the spectator thinks that all of the cards are the same. 


However, when you turn over the remaining cards one by one, watch the spectator gasp and giggle as they see that the cards are all BLANK!


You always get the 'Last Laugh'.


One of the most remarkable aspects of "Last Laugh" is its simplicity and instant reset.


Everything can be examined by the audience, and you can quickly prepare for your next performance, making it an ideal trick for any magician.


Comes with all of the gaff cards and online explanation video. 




La note est de 5.0 sur cinq étoiles sur la base de 2 avis


    Noté 5 sur 5.
    Basé sur 2 avis
    2 avis

    • michael.raw07 juin 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      Quick, simple & fun!

      I smile when Vinny's items arrive in the post ... they come with a personal touch that tells you he cares about making his customer's happy!

      I'll enjoy this ... a spot of 'magician in trouble' along with the colourful cards and jokers will appeal to a younger audience. A quick, simple, fun routine for adults and children!

      Avis utile ?
      Propriétaire de la boutique
      02 sept. 2024

      The customer always comes first! Glad that you are having fun with Last Laugh :)

    • Robert Hollis22 mars 2024
      Noté 5 sur 5.
      You must be joking!

      A great trick at a great price very entertaining and commercial.

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      Propriétaire de la boutique
      22 mars 2024

      Ha, brilliant title, really nice review too. Thank you for supporting Neo Magic ❤️

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